For adoption
Rainbow Bridge
Kittens request
Why Harlindon?

Well, Harlindon is a region of Middle Earth, situated through the magic lands of the "Lord of The Rings", the most famous romance by J.R.R. Tolkien, the only daddy Fantasy universe. In particular Harlindon is a forest on the left of the Hobbit shire.You could imagine Harlindon as something very close to Avalon or Annwyn: the kingdom of fairies called as well Neverword, a perfect copy of Eden Gardens with the only difference that Harlindon can benefit an extra piece of Magic, that special magic which exists only in the "Middle Earth" and in Tolkien mind.

We'd like to think that many funny creatures are roaming through those magic woods, each one of them with it's own fable to tell, all of them though with that special look.
Same fables that only cats with their mysterious and fascinating souls can tell, thanks to those magical way of moving, due to that special look so dense of magnetism, to that way of being that only inside novels, at the end, we can find.

Myself and my wife during those years focused on those lines of blood more exclusive for beauty and behave, in order to improve, where possible, what mother nature created, a task this one very difficult because reporting what Leonard Da Vinci said: "The smallest feline is a masterpiece!"

So far, you can be sure that all cats found in our cattery will perfectly know how to compensate each and every single moment you will spend with them, all sacrifices you'll make for them will be prized by a special look or emotion that will enforce even more the bond between you and your cat, being this a wonderful pet or a promising champion.

Harlindon Cattery affix is actually recognised and registered through all major cat associations worldwide such as CFA, TICA, WCF and FiFe, therefore you can absolutely be sure that inside our cattery all sanitary regulations requested by such organizations are strictly observed and respected, just to mention few examples: all our cats live free and happy without cages, all of them are tested against PKD, FiV and FelV, they are fed with fresh food combined with complete pet-food made of premium ingredients, rich in vitamins, not containing colourings or artificial conserving, grinded corns, Soya, barley or not identified chicken derivates. Well then, you can be sure that in Harlindon Cattery nothing happens occasionally!
We try to give our cats the best environments where to live: we have an artificial solar light system automatically regulated to give our animals a spectre of light as much close to natural direct sunlight as possible...obviously as an integration to natural light coming from window. we use Bacterio Pet system working 24/7 in order to sterilize air from bactoria and all dangerous organisms. We chose Polti Disinfector as a daily tool to disinfect our boxes and walls (this tool is the only one granting a 200° steam mixed with a chemical sanitizer in order to disinfect everything to a level used in surgeries). We have automatic air vents opening to filtrate fresh air from the outside to the inside, and viceversa, in the way our animals always have fresh clean air to breath. An independent heating system for the whole cattery is granting the most appropriate temperature to our cats.

Harlindon cattery is specialized in bi colors and solid.
We personally choose those lines we consider the best just to name a few: Catillak's, Candirand,
 and recently lines from Cacao, Suavere, D'Eden Lover, Joleigh, Parti Wai, LTCH and Toy Tricksy. 
We are convinced by the fact that to have kittens of the highest level, as close as possible to the standards, it is necessary to work both on genotype and fenotype.
For this reason we pick those subjuects with unique characteristics compatibles with our breeding assets for beauty and for ancestors.

If you spend some time analyzing our pedegrees you'll discover that most of our cats have some sort of common lines in their past. Some sort doesn't mean same ancestors which could lead to genetic imperfections if the inbreeding factor is too high, instead it means that we choose those cats with common breeding assets in the way that we have some sort of bloodlines continuity and possibly evolution.

In 2013 Harlindon cattery classified 1st among Persian and Exotics cattery in the championship of ANFI/FIFE - Lombardia Region Starting from December 2015 Luca is a Student Judge in FIFe for categories I and II Harlindon Cattery moved to Palma de Mallorca, Spain where we will keep on our breeding program!
All of the cats in our breeding program are negative for FeLV/FIV and PKD via DNA testing